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A group is up in arms about the Warrensburg Pride Festival scheduled for June 3, 2023. There will be drag shows on the program. You know, fancy costumes, theatrical makeup, show tunes. This is nothing new. There were Pride Festivals in Warrensburg in 2021 and 2022. After security concerns about threats were addressed, the Warrensburg Pride Festival is proceeding with its original format.

These right wingnut busybodies had organized on-line to speak to the Warrensburg City Council during the public comment portion of the City Council’s evening meetings on April 24th and May 8th, asking them to limit or cancel the Pride Festival. A loosely organized group of LGBTQIA+ allies organized on-line to speak in support of the Pride Festival. The Warrensburg City Council listened.

Apparently, the pearl clutchers read the press release last night:

We the People of Johnson County Missouri – Friday, May 26, 2023 👺🤥 Nclusionplus Has Reinstated the Drag Queen Show for Kids on June 3 at the Elks Lodge – ACTION REQUIRED.

MAY 26, 2023

Hi Folks,

Many of us have prayed diligently, asking God to STOP THE DRAG QUEEN SHOW FOR KIDS at the Elks Lodge a week away on Saturday, June 3. A lot of work was done by a LOT of people. Nclusionplus said they had CANCELLED the show for children and only 18+ year olds would be admitted.

Today their fb page announces the drag queen show for children is RESCHEDULED, and will occur as originally planned.

I was naive. I trusted them. If you all in favor of the drag queen show are reading this, “Hi! Welcome.” I trusted you.

I asked God to stop the show, I believe He said, “YES.” This looks like He didn’t keep His Word, but I don’t think that’s the deal. He wants to know if we REALLY, REALLY MEAN what we’re asking of Him. He says,

If My people who are called by My Name will HUMBLE themselves and PRAY, and SEEK MY FACE, and turn from their wicked ways, THEN will I hear from heaven, and forgive their sins, and HEAL THEIR LAND.

We have to do it ALL, folks. Humbling isn’t the easiest thing to do. Sometimes I don’t even realize that I’m not humble before God. I have to ask HIM to help me humble myself. He does it, and it helps me see things from HIS Perspective!

I also have to ask Him to give me the words to pray. God says the Holy Spirit will pray through us when we ask. Ask. Now. And let Him do it.

Seek God’s Face. Seek Him like you never have before. Praise Him for His Work! Praise Him for His Power!! Praise Him for loving children and protecting them from the remarkable lies being spewed these days by satan. Pray for His Wisdom in how to pray! Ask Him to change your heart and life so you are CONSTANTLY living in His Presence; RIGHT beside Him. Hidden under the shadow of His Wing.

Ask Him to HELP us IDENTIFY our wicked ways, and then leave them buried at the foot of His cross, where His blood completely covers them in forgiveness and SALVATION!!!

Folks, the time is NOW. There is NO OTHER time. Stop reading and PRAY. Ask God to help us do WHATEVER we need to do to HEAL OUR LAND. Please, Father, protect our children; HEAL our land. Change us from the inside out. Make us new.

Strengthen our hearts as you did David’s when he fought Goliath. Fill us with COURAGE, to do YOUR Will. Father, we are Your people called by Your Name, clean us so we LOOK LIKE YOU!!!!

When you get up from praying, call Rick Brattin, our Senator. Let him know nclusionplus lied, and MANIPULATED ALL of us. He needs to know they manipulated him.

Rick Brattin – 573 -751-2108.

Now PRAY more.

John 16:33 – I have told you these things so in ME you may have PEACE. In this world you will have trouble. BUT TAKE HEART!!! I have overcome the world!!! – JESUS

In case anyone was wondering, hate and bigotry are not supposed to be family values.

“…I was naive. I trusted them. If you all in favor of the drag queen show are reading this, “Hi! Welcome.” I trusted you…” Weird concept of what trust is. You think people are going to trust you when someone says this at public city council meetings?: “…I don’t know if any of you know the definition of pedophilia, but I’m gonna share it with you…” “…And I really do propose that having these drag queen shows in our community is illegal and it does psychological damage to our children. It’s known as grooming…” “…Uh, they have drag queens that are stripping in front of children. I get chills just thinking about this…” “…children in our community holding up dollars for drag queens like patrons at a strip club…” “…Drag queens are female impersonators who’s venue can sexually exploit children with their indoctrination about adult sexuality and sexual orientation….” “…Some would argue that we here today, we might be haters, fearmongers, or the dreaded homophobics because we don’t bow down and agree to the senseless immoral, perverted, corrupt garbage that is being thrown around and forced on us…” “…Um, we’ve talked a lot about rights. And what I realize, I think, anyway, what I realize is there was no vote taken about having a drag queen show in the Warrensburg area. It just appeared. So anybody who didn’t particularly want it really never even got to have a vote about that….”

Rich. No one is being forced to attend anything. And you are haters. And some are apparently ignorant about how voting actually works.

“…When you get up from praying, call Rick Brattin, our Senator…”

Rick Brattin (r) [2013 file photo].

Rick Brattin (r) is the pre-eminent legal scholar and final arbiter of the law in the State of Missouri, said no one ever.


Warrensburg Pride Festival – June 26, 2021 (June 26, 2021)

Local busybodies engage in pearl clutching (June 3, 2022)

“I like your Christ. I do not like your Christians, they are so unlike your Christ.” (June 4, 2022)

Pride Festival – Warrensburg, Missouri – June 4, 2022 (June 4, 2022)

The pearl clutching right wingnut bigots among us (April 19, 2023)

Always the other (April 21, 2023)

Meta – The pearl clutching right wingnut bigots among us (April 22, 2023)

Unified Field Theory of Right Wingnut Pearl Clutching, Self-Righteousness, and Victimhood (April 22, 2023)

Addressing Bigotry – Warrensburg, Missouri City Council – April 24, 2023 (April 25, 2023)

Addressing Bigotry – Warrensburg, Missouri City Council – April 24, 2023 – part 2 (April 26, 2023)

Addressing Bigotry – Warrensburg, Missouri City Council Meeting – May 8, 2023 (May 9, 2023)

Addressing Bigotry – Warrensburg, Missouri City Council Meeting – May 8, 2023 – part 2 (May 9, 2023)

Addressing Bigotry – Warrensburg, Missouri City Council Meeting – May 8, 2023 – part 3 (May 9, 2023)

Addressing Bigotry – Warrensburg, Missouri City Council Meeting – May 8, 2023 – part 4 (May 9, 2023)

Addressing Bigotry – Warrensburg, Missouri City Council Meeting – May 8, 2023 – part 5 (May 10, 2023)

Living in a self-imposed cultural vacuum (May 10, 2023)

A downward spiral…of pearl clutching (May 25, 2023)

Warrensburg Pride Festival – June 3, 2023 – Returning to Family Friendly Format (May 26, 2023)