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It’s everyone else who gets to suffer.

Mary Elizabeth Coleman (r) [2019 file photo].


MaryElizabethColeman @meaccoleman
This is [….]. He didn’t wear a mask to school, and in response, [….] Superintendent Clint Freeman [….] called the cops on him for trespassing, and he was promptly hauled away in the back of a police car.
8:57 PM · Jan 30, 2022

On a Sunday?

A kid? Is the student over the age of 18? Did the student refuse to leave?

The consequences of not wearing a mask are clear.

From the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS) COVID-19 Dashboard:

Note the number of cases in the last 14 days, compared to the total since March 2020. Do the math.

Note the test positivity rate.

The current Dunklin R-5 School District masking policy:

That’s fair warning.


HB 1987: apparently 1984 was already taken (December 16, 2021)

The reason for the season? (December 26, 2021)

HB 1993: and you’ll have to wear a brown shirt while you’re driving on it (December 21, 2021)

HB 2424: Covid Mary (January 14, 2022)