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Josh Hawley (r) [2016 file photo].


Josh Hawley @HawleyMO
Thank you to @kcpolice for their quick and courageous action this afternoon at the Chiefs parade. The criminals who did this must be brought swiftly to justice
4:07 PM · Feb 14, 2024

Interestingly, no “thoughts and prayers”.

Some of the responses on another social media platform:

The NRA paid Josh Hawley $1,391,548.00 to do NOTHING about gun violence.

So how are those lax gun laws working for your constituents Josh? You just keep running. Deplorable!

Then make a stand on the senate floor and demand gun control starts now get tough Don’t leave the floor until it gets done

That’s not on Josh Hawley’s (r) agenda. He doesn’t care for $1,391,548.00 reasons.

Yet, hawley won’t do a thing about it. The police can only react once it happens, Congress can prevent it from happening. And, btw, what a pathetic statement he put out.

You don’t care… resign you complicit pandering lying hack

How about you actually do something about gun violence? We condemn you for doing jack squat about it over and over.

And what will Josh Hawley do about gun violence?………Crickets….That’s Josh Hawley the NRA owned Senator ….

Then do something about the guns!

Your fault.

Well that will surely deter the next mass shooter.

This is the America that Trump and Republicans that work for him want: total chaos, hate and violence while Biden is POTUS. They want Dictator Trump so they can run this country like a mob boss with their organized crime gang. They do not care who they sacrifice to achieve their goal, and next time it may be someone that you love or care about that is murdered in a mass shooting.

“Hawley condemns shooting that he helped enable by opposing sensible gun laws.”
There, fixed it. Now wash the blood off your hands and do something about the country’s gun problem.

Thanks for taking a moment to condemn. Now what exactly does that do to fix what happened?


Just like the stench of Trump sewer you will never get the blood off your hands Josh.

That’s a lazy statement. Don’t spend too much time on this Josh, you need all your time to complain about TicTok

So much for having 800 good guys with guns around. It’s the GUNS, It’s the GUNS, It’s the GUNS, GUNS, GUNS.

It is literally the LEAST he can do. “strongly condemning” does NOTHING.

Thanks to Senator Josh Hawley, no permit is needed to buy a gun in Missouri or a permit to carry a gun.
Josh made $1.4 million from NRA in helping them push for no gun laws making Missouri a dangerous place to live.
This is #47 for mass shootings just this year thanks to Politicians like Josh .
That’s probably why him & his family don’t live in Missouri..

Just another day in America. How much did the gun industry give you to look the other way? The blood’s on your hands senator.

Hawley’s equivalent of “thoughts and prayers”. Trump tells people to just “get over it”. That’s the extent of MAGA concern about gun violence.

Gun violence is a policy choice. You put the gun in their hands.

Tots and pears.


Why? Just, why? (February 14, 2024)

Do something about it, asshole (February 14, 2024)