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Mark Alford (r) [2023 file photo].


Mark Alford
So this is the secret deal that the Senate worked out behind closed doors.
This is the disgusting swamp at work.
1 illegal alien crossing our border is too many!!!
They want to let 5,000 in a day before enacting emergency powers to secure the border.
Which means they COULD secure it now if they wanted to.
I’m a hard “NO”
Secure the border NOW!!!!!

“No human is illegal”

Some of the responses:

NO, NO AND FINAL NO!! SECURE OUR BOARDERS NOW! Thank you for your work!

Are they bored? Just asking.

Tell the TRUTH mark…
“The bill includes a new emergency authority that would allow the Department of Homeland Security to, as Biden has put it, “shut down” the border if there are too many migrants trying to cross.
DHS could close the border if Border Patrol encountered 4,000 or more migrants on average over seven days. The border would have to be shut down if those encounters reached a seven-day average of 5,000 or if they exceeded 8,500 in a single day.
The border couldn’t be shut down under this authority for more than 270 days in the first year. And the bill would give the president the power to suspend a border closure “on an emergency basis for up to 45 days if it is in the national interest.”
During an emergency closure, Border Patrol would still need to process a minimum of 1,400 migrants who try to enter the U.S. legally through ports of entry. Only unaccompanied minors would be able to cross between ports of entry. And any migrant who tried to cross illegally two or more times during a border emergency would be barred from the U.S. for a year.”

congress is made up of 2 chambers the house and the senate. if each passes legislation that the other chamber will not even consider then neither are doing their job. It is only when they get together and actually pass legislation that is signed into law that they are truly representing the American people. Until then, you are just wasting taxpayer money grandstanding.


Congressman Mark Alford
Folks, the border deal is a bad deal – plain and simple.
This was a secret deal the Senate worked out behind closed doors and is dead-on-arrival in the House.
This $118 billion bill allocates more than half of its funds, $60 billion, to Ukraine, which is 92 times greater than the $650 million that the bill designates for the U.S. border wall.
That is categorically unacceptable.
Every Senator took an oath to uphold our laws, including our border security and immigration laws. Yet, their bill would allow up to 5,000 illegal aliens to walk across our border per day before any security measures are enforced. That’s more than 1.8 MILLION illegals per year.
This bill is a disaster: It codifies illegal immigration and the invasion of our southern border, while spending billions we don’t have on other countries.
The Senate is selling out the American people, and I will not stand for it.
I’m a hard “NO”.
It’s high time the Senate followed the lead of House Republicans to put America first and pass #HR2, which would actually secure the border and return our country to the effective Trump policies that resulted in the most secure border in our nation’s history.

Some of the responses:

Tell me how long it took you to read the bill, Congressman Mark Alford. When did you get a copy of the bill you’re claiming to vote no for, and how long did it take you to read it? You didn’t read it at all, did you? You don’t have enough curiosity to even get a copy of the bill to read, do you? You have not read the legislation, you don’t have a clue what it says, yet you’re declaring publicly you’re going to do trump’s bidding and vote no. You are incapable of doing your job. #UnfitToServe.

exactly. How can Alford OR his staff have read the bill when they are continually doing tv spots, social media spots, radio clips, the constant field trips, and working on EPISODE 34 of Mark Alford’s America?? That’s why he pushes against wokeism so much. He doesn’t want people awake and thinking on their own, like you [….].
He wants the [….] that will come on and post hateful pics and deflect away from what Alford really is. Alford is absolutely unfit to serve

your interpretation is off. The first 4,000 and 5,000 crossings are still criminal. They are still going to be processed and likely deported. The number simply allows a suspension of due process once the limit is reached. I’d love to process everyone crossing and allow anyone with a legitimate asylum claim in. It just isn’t possible. It’s not impractical, it is impossible. You seem to want the President and Homeland Security to prevent all crossings. That is like expecting the police to prevent all burglaries. One burglary is too many! Still, it’s the criminal that causes crime. Even building a wall only alters the location and method of illegal entry. This bill not only lowers the threshold for closing the border but mandates it whether the President wants to or not. As for connecting Ukraine funding to border funding, well, the Republicans are the ones that insisted one priority couldn’t be dealt with until the other was dealt with. The reason this bill isn’t going to pass is because of Donald Trump and those more interested in serving him than the American people. Once again my hopes for the resurrection of the party I once worked so hard for are dashed by you and the MAGA wing.

The President is Commander in Cheif of the Military but needs Congressional FUNDING to make the Military function! The President wants to Secure the Bordet but needs Congressional FUNDING to make his plan work! Quit Gaslighting and Exploiting the Border and FUND the Senate Bill! Missouri deserves better!

You already said that before you even read it. We all know your decision was made by your bloated orange king a week ago. So quit the dramatics.

So, by your “hard no” vote, you support perpetuating a system that you say is an existential threat to our country and leaves our allies out to dry. Incremental progress is better than no progress. Doing nothing guarantees failure.

So, you advocate destroying American jobs, companies, and the economy with your support of Alford and Putin? Why do you support this? Do you have any idea, at all, that over 90% of Ukraine funding is kept in the USA and used to build munitions? Of course you don’t. Your ignorance is your bliss, until the day you start speaking Russian.
Quote: “Here is the best-kept secret about U.S. military aid to Ukraine: Most of the money is being spent here in the United States. That’s right: Funds that lawmakers approve to arm Ukraine are not going directly to Ukraine but are being used stateside to build new weapons or to replace weapons sent to Kyiv from U.S. stockpiles. Of the $68 billion in military and related assistance Congress has approved since Russia invaded Ukraine, almost 90 percent is going to Americans, one analysis found.”

The blank check to Ukraine needs to stop

LOL, and here’s another one that is advocating for a ground war in Europe, fought by American servicemen. What is wrong with you?

They’ll continue to worship their MAGA cult leader as Putin directs his tanks to roll over their grandchildren in the trenches in the Fulda Gap.

Bad combover. Check. Too long red tie. Check. Orange spray tan. Check. Tiny hands. Check. Cluelessness. Check…

We can allow Ukrainians to stop Putin right now using US weapons or we can allow Putin to take over Ukraine, Balkanize Europe and try to stop Putin with US troops.

Putin wants to capture the vast natural resources of Ukraine (which are primarily grain, energy, and minerals). He will put them under the control of his loyalists who will manage them as he directs, just as he did when he privatized Soviet state industries.
He will then use the resources captured from Ukraine to undermine US interests by destabilizing energy markets and holding Europe captive to his political demands in return for Ukraine’s natural gas (eg break up NATO); he will sell Ukrainian grain to our biggest grain customer – China – to catastrophically damage our farming and agricultural industries, kill our balance of trade and make impossible the selling of US debt (which finances our country); and he will ramp up Ukrainian industrial capacity (eg. iron ore mining, steel and titanium manufacturing, etc.) to further expand his war machine.
And anyone internal who disagrees with Putin will find themselves dosed with novichok, drinking radium tea, in a Siberian gulag or taking a long walk off a short but very elevated rooftop.
The time to stop this is now by Ukrainians using US military assistance. And anyone who thinks they know better is either wittingly or unwittingly a Putin sympathizer. Like the GOP generally and Alford specifically.

You are not to be believed. You bash our CBP agents and lie to everyone in between tv interviews and radio shows. That, along with the fact that you have no experience and use social media to tell people “I don’t know.”
You are being told what to do and we can’t believe a thing that comes out of your mouth. You and your staff are a threat to our country.

Risky and Reckless.

It’s time for non-brainwashed Americans and the media at large to accept something: Former President Donald Trump’s “MAGA movement” is a tissue-paper tiger.
This was on vivid display in Texas over the weekend. A much-ballyhooed convoy of MAGA patriots descended on a town near the southern border, ostensibly ready to protect America from what right-wing politicians like Gov. Greg Abbott cynically, dangerously and falsely call “an invasion.”
The “God’s Army” convoy was supposed to be a mighty force of 700,000 or more people from every corner of America. It wound up being maybe a couple hundred vehicles parked at a rural ranch in Quemado, Texas – basically a Trump rally without a Trump, but with plenty of hucksters selling MAGA merch and grifting the easily grifted

This is Mark Alford trying to keep you asleep. He likes to bash Woke. He doesn’t want you awake. He wants you to simply walk a long in a political daze so he can feed you this kind crap.
The fact is, is this bill passes, Alford has to campaign on something else, and he can’t. If Trump lets this pass, Trump can’t campaign on it either. Alford and his staff are being controlled.
Alford is known episode 34 of his radio show. Advertises it. Posts TV and field trips all the time. He is not a congressman. He is a controlled voting spot.

Serving the interests of Putin and our enemies is the real “Selling Out” of the American people.
You are plainly and clearly a geopolitical and policy dumbass, brother.
Get your damn head on straight.
