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Yesterday at the Missouri Ethics Commission:

C141446 07/31/2014 YES ON 9 ACLU OF MISSOURI Facebook 1299 Pennsylvania Ave NW Suite 800 Washington DC 20004 7/31/2014 $10,000.00

[emphasis added]

That Facebook?

It’s a brand new committee:

C141446: Yes On 9 Aclu Of Missouri

454 Whittier St Committee Type: Campaign

St Louis Mo 63108

[….] Established Date: 07/07/2014

Ballot Measures Election Date Subject Support/Oppose

Constitutional Amendment 9 08/05/2014 Shall The Missouri Constitution Be Amended So That The People Shall Be Secure In Their Electronic Communications And Data From Unreasonable Searches And Seizures As They Are Now/Statewide Support

[emphasis added]

Think about that for a minute.