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An ad from Claire McCaskill’s campaign, running on our television:

Claire McCaskill (D): I’m Claire McCaskill and I approve this message.

Narrator: Meet Todd Akin. He wants to be our senator. On the main stream priorities that matter to Missouri how does Akin measure up? See for yourself. In Missouri over a million seniors rely on Social Security. Todd Akin? He wants to privatize it, risking their guaranteed benefit.

Todd Akin (r): I don’t like it. I didn’t design Social Security.

Narrator: The minimum wage? Akin wants to abolish it.

Todd Akin (r): I don’t think the government should be setting the prices or wages on different things.

Narrator: Making college affordable. Akin compared the federal student loans program to stage three cancer.

Todd Akin (r): America has got the equivalent of the stage three cancer of socialism.

Narrator: So, that’s Todd Akin. Privatize Social Security, abolish the minimum wage, and get rid of federal student loans.

Are those main stream Missouri values? Because they’re Todd Akin’s.

“…I don’t think the government should be setting the prices or wages on different things…”

If employers don’t pay a living wage and the social safety net doesn’t exist anymore, hey, problem solved, the one percent get to hoard everything!