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Nothing says Washington DC outsider like seven-term Congressman (and former Republican Whip) Roy Blunt! He’s such an outsider that there are dining establishments in DC that he has only been to once!

(Wonder how much of that debt is in stuff that he voted for, but wants you to forget about)

More under fold

No, they did not get that semissourian.com thing wrong (seeing as it’s a newspaper, you would think that).. they’re citing a USER SUBMITTED STORY titled “Robin Carnahan now likes TARP” from “Tim O’Toole”

Oh yeah, they also stretched “made a good case” into “would have voted for”. After all, if you admit something has a good case, you obviously support it. If only they taught logic to the O’Toole Family. Then the letter to the editor (errrrrrrr… I meant User-Submitted Story) quoted Rich Chrismer a few times.

Head on a pedestal. I need to get that photoshop program!

Also, how much was the bailout out of that $2.5 trillion? A trillion was added from Oct 2007 to Oct 2008 pre-bailout.

But then again, it’s OK if a Republican does it.

BTW, do they need more Robin headshots for their collection?

Crossroads Grassroots Policy Strategies? Nothing says Grassroots like anonymous fliers in millions of homes and a company headed by Karl Rove.

Granted, if they went with Crossroads Astroturf Policy Strategies, they would have an unfortunate acronym.

I wish people who talk about fiscal conservatism wouldn’t carpetbomb the voters in mailers. Yes, that means you Turfroots Mailer Factories. And tell Tim O’Toole that I said “Howdy!”