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417 candidates filed today for state and federal offices. 224 Republicans, 170 Democrats, 17 Constitution Party Members, and 6 Libertarians filed. A surprisingly high turnout of Constitution Party candidates (gotta find a way to describe those party members without being too long-worded or vague) and another low turnout for Libertarians on day one. Although 2 Libertarians did file for Lacy Clay’s seat.

14 candidates filed for the US Senate. 3 candidates filed for Auditor. 37 candidates filed for the US House. 39 candidates filed for 17 State Senate seats. 308 candidates filed for 163 State House seats. And 16 candidates filed for Circuit Court spots.

Roy Blunt and Chuck Purgason were joined by 7 other Republicans. These Republicans include Businessman R. L. Proprotnik (who won the first spot on the ballot), unknown James Schmidt, Hector Maldonado (who is in the Army until the end of this month), Kristi Nichols (who poses in front of a flag with some text I can’t read on it), unsuccessful school board candidate Deborah Solomon, small business owner Davis Conway, and Tea Partier Mike Vontz.

Robin Carnahan is being opposed by Francis Vangeli, who is an unknown and has voiced opposition to the Obama/Democratic HCR efforts with a variety of complaints.

Two Constitution Party candidates are dueling for their nomination. Jerry Beck (who ran as a Democrat in previous elections) and contemporary furniture maker Joe Martellaro are filed for that nomination.

Lacy Clay, Todd Akin, Ike Skelton, Jo Ann Emerson, and Blaine Luetkemeyer did not file. And four of those five have primary opponents. Ike Skelton doesn’t have a primary opponent but he has six Republicans running for an their nomination for the 4th.

I have no idea where a random Democrat will emerge first between the 6th District and 9th District. Only a $100 filing fee.

Also worth randomly noting that former Constitution Party candidate Don Griffin is running as a Republican against Sue Allen.

More will be added later on the State House and Senate. Feel free to mention the things that are under the statewide radar.