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Via Fired Up from Think Progress:

Public Policy Polling [pdf] released a poll today with a sample of 909 voters taken from August 14th to 17th. The margin of error is +/-3.3%.

Q3 Do you think the government should stay out of Medicare?

Yes 39%

No 46%

Not Sure 15%

[emphasis added]

“…One poll question indicative of how difficult it is to gain public understanding on a complicated issue asked if respondents thought the government should ‘stay out of Medicare,’ something inherently impossible. 39% said yes…”

Medicare is a government-run single-payer program.

A satirical sign held by a pro health care reform activist after Senator Claire McCaskill’s town hall in Hillsboro, Missouri on August 11th. Evidently the satire is lost on 39% of the voters in this country.

Q5 Do you think Barack Obama was born in the United States?

Yes 62%

No 25%

Not Sure 14%

It all adds up.

Stupidity may be inherited, but ignorance is a personal choice.