
After everything else that has gone on in the last eight years – and everything that is going on right now – this is what’s so important?

In the Style section of The New York Times (via Corrente):

The Pleasure of His Company

…Now as a new administration moves to town, another Washington guessing game begins: who will be able to snag the Obamas for dinner…?

“…Everybody in town wants to see them, everybody wants to go to the White House,” said Sally Quinn, the author, journalist and frequent hostess. “And everybody wants to have them over….”

…Mrs. Reagan’s social secretary Muffie Brandon Cabot regularly arranged luncheons at private homes so that Mrs. Reagan could make friends…

Okay, time out. No adult named “Muffie” should be allowed anywhere near anything other than an episode of a television sitcom starring Brian Keith, Sebastian Cabot and a doll named “Mrs. Beasley”.

It continues in the same vein:

“…There’s a lot of unease and charting of new territory, because for so long Washington has been a social town where there are certain people who are the Washington social groups, the hostesses and hosts of the events,” she said. “And I think with the Obamas coming in, people are wondering whether or not those social pecking orders are going to remain the same….”

After reading this I finally understand the French revolution.

As for Sally Quinn:

the (not so) mighty Quinn

…Actually, it could be said that Sally Quinn has been floundering around for the last couple of decades, when she failed first as a journalist, then as a novelist, before emerging as a hostess in a Washington society that even she admits is in its death throes. Which brings us to a central question: Who appointed Quinn as the mouthpiece for the permanent Washington establishment, if there is such an animal? A peek into Quinn’s motives reveals a hidden political agenda and the venom of a hostess scorned, and ultimately, an aging semi-journalist propped up by a cadre of media buddies, carping at the Clintons because they wouldn’t kiss her ring…

It appears that any mention of the end of the Washington social scene over ten years ago was a bit premature. Or maybe it’s just “hope”.

Pass the popcorn, the beer, and the knitting, this could get interesting.