
I just wanted to highlight some of the features we’ve added to the blog. In addition to writing a diary, you can make announcements using the “Upcoming Events” feature in the left column. Also, we’ve added “Congressional Contact Info” to the About section at the top of the right column. If you read something here that “makes you so mad that you could eat sawdust and poop a 2 X 4,” don’t just sit there – click on that link and tell your representatives about it.

One feature that’s been around since the beginning, but underutilized, is our Blogads box. If you’re a candidate or a business that wants to reach a dedicated and growing audience of smart Missouri progressives, a mere $10 will get you a week-long ad, with a discount given for longer adbuys. To find out more about advertising on this blog and others, go to Blogads.com.