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Another hectic day at the local campaign office.

I have a love hate relationship with those damn signs. Right now the hate is winning out. Nevertheless, our “average age 57 years” sign crew went out this afternoon to knock out a few more 4 x 8 sign locations. Just to get the things out of headquarters.

An Obama 4 x 8 sign at the intersection of Missouri Highway 23 and E Highway north of Knob Noster, Missouri, approximately eleven miles south of Concordia.

This particular sign placement is an aesthetic triumph. A bucolic rural setting on a well traveled rolling road. You can see the sign at the crest of the hill from at least a half mile away. There are a number of small McCain-Palin yard signs along the road from Knob Noster to this point.

I relish insult signage.

Canvassers return, staffers do their thing, and volunteers on the phones at headquarters.

The most important thing going on right now is the voter registration canvassing and the phones.

Campaign signs just off U.S. 50 Highway in Knob Noster, Missouri.