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Piper For Missouri
[December 26, 2023]
No matter how many men are on the field playing, no matter how many men are standing on the sidelines calling plays, a woman in the stands is still to blame…

There’s plenty of hilarity in some the comments:

[….] Charlie is jealous because his “job” for the Right is to get college kids to register to vote … and for the GOP. But Taylor can get more young people registered in a day with a single tweet than he can convince in a year. And he knows they won’t be GOP voters.

THIS. They’re professional athletes, you’d think at some point men would be required to take responsibility for their own actions.

Crazy how the actions or lack thereof of men are always the fault of women. But men will take credit for something a woman does when he isn’t anywhere nearby. [….]

And Trump men wonder why liberal women don’t want to date them.
This is a perfect example of men blaming women for things that they aren’t responsible for.
He’s probably also a recent Chief’s fan, like since they started winning. My husband’s been a fan all those years when they lost A LOT! Taylor Swift wasn’t on the sidelines all those years, so I wonder what woman Charlie Kirk would blame those loses on?

Well ya, I mean who else are we supposed to blame for our shortcomings and failures? Also this is sarcasm

Except that the Chiefs are making money, hand-over-fist from Kelce-Swift merchandise and the stands are full with ticket paying fans from both Chief fans and the opposing teams. There’s that.


They were dating long before it was publicly known

There’s that.

I seem to recall at the beginning of the relationship, everyone was saying he played so much better when she was in the stands…

Aaaaaaaat’s right. Blame the woman.

Say nothing of the fact she was the “lucky charm” when they won 2-3 right off the bat when she was attending.

It is Charlie Kirk. His village is missing its idiot when he is away.

Who knew one woman had so much power?
These poor little conservative men. No one likes them. No one wants them. They are getting so bitter in their lonliness.

I’ve heard so many refer to her as a major distraction, and even if that was the case, one single popstar is too much for an entire professional football team? Tell me you hate women without telling me you hate women [….]

It’s a just game, folks.