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Democrats always show up for working people.

Representative Cori Bush (D),

Sunday afternoon United Auto Workers [UAW] Local 2250 in Wentzville, Missouri held a rally in support of their stand up strike against the General Motors plant. While pickets manned the plant gates approximately 500 workers and their supporters attended the rally. U.S. Representative Cori Bush (D), who represents the district, spoke at the rally.

Two-two. Five-Oh.

“There is Power”


…We all remember the federal government bailout of the auto industry going to 2008, financial crisis. And we know during that time companies went through all of this restructuring. And workers, you were the ones that sacrificed, you were the ones that had your wages cut, you were the ones that didn’t get the pay you deserved, you were the ones that lost time with your families.

You sacrificed because you care about the industry, because you care about our country, because you care about our communities and all of the families. And so after fifteen years and record profits it’s well past time you got what you owed [“Amen.”]….


….So as the big three, as they’re seeing these record profits, workers you must see record contracts because your struggle and your sacrifice represent the struggle and the sacrifice of so many others around this country right now. You are an inspiration to them right now….


…And let me lastly say this. Your demands are not radical. [“No.” “Nope.”] They’re reasonable. [“Yeah.”] And you shouldn’t have to strike for ’em. [“Amen.”] Higher wages, paid time off, medical benefits for retirees, and pensions are not radical demands. Those are benefits that every single worker deserves. [“Amen.”] Record profits, I’ll say it again, should equal record contracts. And that’s the simple concept to me. So local Twenty-Two Fifty, know that your congresswoman loves you. And that love looks like a fight. It looks like standing up for you, showing up for you, and using my voice for you. And bringing my friend here to fight along side you… Two-two, Five-Oh. Two-two, Five-Oh. Two-two, Five-Oh.




Solidarity! – UAW Local 2250 Stand Up Strike Rally – Wentzville, Missouri – September 24, 2023 (September 24, 2023)

President Katie Deatherage – UAW Local 2250 Stand Up Strike Rally – Wentzville, Missouri – September 24, 2023 (September 25, 2023)