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Congrats to progressive bloggers Adam Shriver of St. Louis Activist Hub and Sean Soendker Nicholson, formerly of Fired Up!, currently with Progress Missouri. They posted screen shots of Akin’s campaign claiming on Twitter that he had been endorsed by Paul Ryan.  But oops, that wasn’t exactly so, and Politico picked up the story. Their piece pointed out that:

Todd Akin

“Akin’s campaign team is either not acting in good faith or inept – either of which will darken his chances at capturing the GOP nomination next August.

But this mistake is hardly the first for a campaign that was slow to organize out of the gate last spring.

Catanese used that statement to launch a critique of  Akin’s gaffes, including starting without a competent press person; overspending; and being forced to apologize for saying that “the heart of liberalism is really a hatred for God”.

I say these missteps are perfectly understandable on Akin’s part. He represents a district so profoundly dedicated to Republicans that he has never needed a competent press person. He just sequesters himself and keeps getting reelected. Indeed his refusal to have any contact with a–yechh!–liberal prompted Carl Peterson to observe recently that Akin has made himself so invisible that we may soon find a picture of him on a milk carton.

To win the primary, Akin will surely have to show himself in venues where the general public would be welcome. So far he seems to struggle with that concept.