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And that’s neither a compliment nor an endorsement.

Today, via Twitter:

Mo Dems issue attack by calling me a conservative. I am- just like most Missourians.     about 9 hours ago  via Twitter for iPhone  


Early Look at Missouri Senate Shows Close Race [pdf]

….Q10 Would you describe yourself as a liberal, moderate, or conservative?

Liberal – 17%

Moderate – 39%

Conservative – 44%

44% (with a 4.3% margin of error and a possible oversample of republicans) is most? In what universe? A math challenged republican one?

“…just like most Missourians…” What, have you been exchanging notes with Claire McCaskill (D)?

….Q12 If you are a Democrat, press 1. If a Republican, press 2. If you are an independent or identify with another party, press 3.

Democrat – 36%

Republican – 39%

Independent/Other – 26%

And we thought that we’d have trouble feeding the content beast here at Show Me Progress after the November general election. Pass the freakin’ popcorn.