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Speaking out at Representative Emanuel Cleaver’s (D) town hall on military intervention in Syria – Kansas City – September 5, 2013.

On Thursday evening in Kansas City Representative Emanuel Cleaver (D) held an open town hall on military intervention in Syria. After brief introductory remarks Congressman Cleaver opened up the microphone to anyone who wanted to speak on the subject. People did so, one after another, for almost two hours.

….Congressman Cleaver, thank you for attempting to hear the people that you represent and representing us.

The core issue here is, allegedly, the use of Sarin gas and the desire to protect the Syrian people from that atrocity in the future. I ask you, please, even if you are a minority voice insist that whatever actions are considered point toward the elimination of that atrocity in the nation of Syria. All of the objections to military action have already been raised. Please ba a voice, even if it’s a minority voice. Thank you.

Rep. Emanuel Cleaver (D): Well, one of, one of the things that, that, uh, that this has done, and I, and I actually think it’s good, is that, uh, as I’m talking with colleagues and, and, and listening to conversations, uh, even with the White House, this has not, to this point, fallen down along political lines. [voices] Uh, I, which I think is healthy for, for the country….

Representative Emanuel Cleaver – town hall on military intervention in Syria – Kansas City – September 5, 2013.


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