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I kept meaning to write something about one of government’s big success stories, Medicare, to celebrate it’s 47th anniversary, which was yesterday. Now I don’t need to write a thing since local activist Amy Smoucha has said it all a thousand times better than I could have.  A sample:

The idea of “waiting for Medicare” hit me hard. My mother was waiting for Medicare for years. As a retail clerk at Sears, she didn’t have health insurance for most of her life. My mom was one of those amazing people who got up to go to work each day, took us to church on Sunday, played bingo Thursday nights, and was afraid to go to the doctor because she didn’t have insurance. While she was waiting for Medicare, my mother developed high blood pressure and heart disease. We discovered this just as she turned 65, when her long wait for insurance was finally over. Her golden years involved struggling with congestive heart failure. She died at the age of 67, when I was 23. I take the idea of “waiting” for health insurance personally.

Right now, millions of people across America, in every state, rural community, city, and town, are waiting for Obamacare. I think especially of a friend’s son who is a carpenter with a herniated disc. He was accepted by a local Community Health Center-a sliding scale clinic-and found a wonderful primary care doctor. But because he’s uninsured, he is on a waiting list for surgery. Most recently, his foot started dragging, and the damage is affecting his urinary function. He is 40 years old and waiting for Obamacare.

Read it all here. And remember, if the Democrats lose this election, we could lose Obamacare.