Jake Wagman reports on Stephen Brauer hosting a big fundraiser for Ed Martin, who is challenging Russ Carnahan in Missouri’s Third Congressional District.

The Congressional hopeful will be feted tonight at a fundraiser at Hunter Farms, the west St. Louis County Estate of Stephen and Kimmy Brauer, a pair of the region’s most generous Republican benefactors.

Stephen Brauer is the chairman of Hunter Engineering, and a part owner of the Cardinals.

He is close enough with George W. Bush that the former president would stay at Brauer’s home when he was in town for a fundraiser, probably thrown by Brauer or others in his elite Republican circle.[…]

The event honoring Martin tonight, a cocktail reception and roundtable discussion at the estate’s “main house,” will also feature former U.S. Sen. Jim Talent and former Gov. Matt Blunt, Martin’s previous boss.

This also stood out to me:

Thanks to an appointment from Bush, Brauer served as ambassador to Belgium from 2001 to 2003.

I wonder if Brauer knows the management at InBev.