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David Pearce (r – advocate of automotive deer hunting) is going negative in his mail. We received the following piece today:

Apparently the Missouri GOP thinks David Pearce is not a politician. Though it’s very clear to me that he seriously sucks at math and economics. The current economic crises (under the watch of which administration?) is exacerbated by what? As if 516 trillion dollars in derivatives didn’t exist and have nothing to do with screwing the economy and us. Evidently David Pearce and the Missouri GOP is counting on everyone else being stoopid. Same planet, different world, eh David?

And there’s that damn ugly tie again.

David Pearce and his enablers spent upwards of a quarter million dollars on his primary and they can’t change ties in a photo shoot?

By the way, Chris Benjamin (D) is a much nicer guy than your mailer picture indicates, David. And he’s a much better politician and smarter public servant than you will ever be:

Chris Benjamin, Democratic candidate in the 31st Senate District, speaking with volunteers prior to the Chilhowee parade on August 30th.