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HB 952: making the trains run on time

So much for local control.

Apparently, for right wingnuts, there is only the one true amendment.

A bill, sponsored by Brian Seitz (r)

HOUSE BILL NO. 952 {pdf]

2087H.01I DANA RADEMAN MILLER, Chief Clerk


To amend chapter 170, RSMo, by adding thereto one new section relating to the 1619 Project in school districts and charter schools.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the state of Missouri, as follows:
Section A. Chapter 170, RSMo, is amended by adding thereto one new section, to be known as section 170.352, to read as follows:

170.352. 1. As used in this section, “1619 Project” means the 1619 Project initiative of the New York Times.

2. No school district, charter school, or personnel or agent of such school district or charter school shall:
(1) Teach, use, or provide for use by any pupil the 1619 Project as part of any curriculum, course materials, or instruction in any course given in such school district or charter school; or
(2) Teach, affirm, or promote as an accurate account or representation of the founding and history of the United States of America any of the claims, views, or opinions presented in the 1619 Project as part of any curriculum, course materials, or instruction in any course given in such school district or charter school.

Is there a grading rubric if it’s used as a reference in a student research paper?

Be afraid, be very afraid.

When knowledge is outlawed, only outlaws will have knowledge.

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