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Missouri Democratic Party Chair Stephen Webber in Warrensburg – March 16, 2017

“…I believe that unquestionably Donald Trump is a threat to the fabric of our country and our values…”

“…resisting what Donald Trump is trying to do is an act of patriotism…”

Missouri Democratic Party Chair Stephen Webber [2017 file photo].

Last Thursday Missouri Democratic Party Chair Stephen Webber spoke at the monthly Johnson County Democratic Club meeting in Warrensburg.

Stephen Webber (D): …You know, like a lot of us I was in a fog. I, I could not believe, I still cannot believe that Donald Trump’s president of the United States. [laughter] Just, I will never…

Voice: A nightmare every fucking morning. [laughter]

Stephen Webber (D): …I will never come to terms with that…
…So I realized pretty quickly that if you’re in it for the right reasons you can’t quit. You have to keep working on these issues. These issues don’t go away. You know, it’s not like, it’s not like children said, well, an election happened and I don’t need education anymore…
I’ve had two messages from people around the state. Uh, the first is that I believe we have a moral obligation to oppose Donald Trump. [Voices: “Yes.”][applause]…
…Donald Trump is something different. Donald Trump goes beyond a simple policy disagreement. Right? My disagreement with Jeb Bush is on policy. I think his policies are wrong. Uh, I don’t think that Jeb Bush as a human being is a threat to the nation. I believe [crosstalk], maybe, it’s debatable.[laughter] But I believe that unquestionably Donald Trump [Voice: “Horrible human being.”] is a threat to the fabric of our country and our values. [applause]…
…And I think that he needs to be resisted and opposed by all people, by all Americans at all times. And I think that resisting what Donald Trump is trying to do is an act of patriotism…

Stephen Webber (D): …People say, well, Republicans believe in low taxes. No they don’t. They don’t care about low taxes. They care about low taxes for billionaires. [Voice: “Yeah.”] They do not care about the tax rate for anybody else. And it is be, it is beyond easy to prove that…
…They don’t care about low taxes for citizens. They care about keeping their billionaire donors happy. And that’s it…
…Trumpcare is a disaster for rural Missouri. It is a disaster for rural Missouri. It is a disaster…it’s a disaster for rural Missouri. Here’s why. [crosstalk] Yeah. Here’s why. It hurts hospitals. It’s gonna cutoff, uh, access to care, but it specifically targets rural areas. Because what it does is, one, keeping with our theme, the Republicans said, okay, the only policy outcome we actually care about is that billionaires get a tax break. Right. So if you start designing your health care plan with the idea that billionaires have to get a tax break you’re not gonna, you’re not gonna benefit normal ordinary working Americans. So, they repeal some taxes, tax cuts to the wealthy. And then they said, okay, how are we gonna try to offset that cost? And what they decided to do was, they’re taking subsidies that are going right now to help, uh, help Americans purchase health insurance and they’re capping those subsidies…

Stephen Webber [2017 file photo].


The process for 2018 and beyond has already started (March 18, 2017)

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