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Rep. Vicky Hartzler (r): just checking

Hold an open public town hall in the 4th Congressional District? Sure, why not? This is why:

With Town Hall Script Flipped On GOP, Will History Repeat Itself?
February 17, 20177:00 AM ET

Republicans know the scene well: angry constituents flood local town halls, upset over health care and other congressional issues.

It’s that energy that exploded eight years ago, birthing the Tea Party movement and helping the GOP take back Congress in the 2010 election. But now, they’re finding themselves on the receiving end instead of the giving end.

Facing constituents is a problem, eh?

Representative Vicky Hartzler (r) 2016 file photo].

From Representative Vicky Hartzler’s (r) congressional web site:

February 20, 2017.

Nope, no open public meetings in the district. As far as we can tell.

Problem solved.

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