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Senator Claire McCaskill (D) – health care town hall – Jefferson City

Senator Claire McCaskill made it to Jefferson City for her second health care town hall of the day. The event started at 6:00 p.m. We arrived at the location at around 5:00 p.m. to a considerable traffic control presence and a distinct lack of available parking. We were able to get to the media entrance and park next to the television satellite trucks. There was also a considerable media and police presence. We were told that only the first 375 of the people waiting in line would be allowed in. After the event I asked a police officer if he knew how many people who were in line didn’t get into the town hall. He wouldn’t estimate the number, but did state that people who were in line didn’t get in.

Unlike the previous three health care town halls I attended people brought in signs. It doesn’t add much to the cachet.

Like the Hillsboro town hall there were a number of people at the event who sincerely believed that being rude, loud, and obnoxious makes for a winning argument.

This wasn’t Hillsboro. A smaller space and much closer proximity to a smaller crowd made it appear more manic, but no one had their sign snatched away and no one (at least as I was aware of) was arrested.

Not everyone in line got into the event. Attendance was limited to 375, first come, first served.

Probably to the immense frustration of the loudest and most disruptive in the room, there were a significant number of pro reform individuals at the town hall.

A pro reform individual writing out a question on a form which was placed in a basket and then subject to selection out of the basket by two anti reform people appointed to the task by Senator McCaskill. Those questions selected then were read and answered by the Senator. What do you think the odds were?

RBH, this photo is for you.

This individual was very angry. In fact, on occasion she loudly stated that she was very angry.

Sometimes corporatist sign placement can be fortuitous.

At the press conference after the town hall.

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