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Town hall urging Claire to vote against ACES

( – promoted by Clark)

Americans for Prosperity (aka teabaggers, aka Carl Bearden) is convening a town hall in St. Louis this coming Monday night, the 27th, to talk about why they’re opposed to the clean energy bill. Claire McCaskill’s district staff will attend and represent her views.

One can only speculate about whether the atmosphere will be staid, window-rattling, or something in between. I figure to hear at least one participant claim that “cap and tax” will cost every American family $3100 a year. As if. And someone is likely to cite info from the Wall Street Journal’s answer to the CBO assertion that it will cost more like $175 per family.

But what I really hope I hear is some sane questions and observations by people from our side of the equation who attend and speak their minds: who debunk the $3100 claim, who point out that national security demands we turn to a green economy, and, finally, who mention that it might be nice to save the planet. (Come prepared with stats to refute silly claims that the planet is actually cooling.)

I’ll be there to film it. If they let me in. I hope some of you will show up as well. MO Votes Conservation is urging people on its e-mail list to do so, and Claire’s staff would appreciate the support, especially if this turns out to be a wild ride.

Here are the details:


Monday, July 27, 2009, 7-8pm


St. Louis Community College – Forest Park Campus

Highlander Lounge

5600 Oakland Ave.

St. Louis, MO 63110

Here is a map of the campus.  The meeting is in the Student Center.  For more information or to RSVP contact Vanessa at

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