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Matt Bartle: Keeping us safe from inactive bills

Of course, this news won’t be a shocker to the people who know of Matt Bartle, but he’s very concerned and he’s sharing it with Examiner readers in Eastern Jackson County.

With the legislative session ready to kick off next week, I am preparing to file a resolution of the utmost importance. This resolution makes an emphatic statement to Congress that the Missouri General Assembly strongly opposes any efforts to make abortion the federal law of the land.

But wait, there’s more?

What has Matt Bartle so concerned?

Thanks to legislation introduced in Congress in 2007, deceptively coined the “Freedom of Choice Act,” we are in danger of losing all of the safeguards that have been developed over the last 35 years in response to the U.S. Supreme Court’s ill-advised edict in Roe v. Wade.

Checking my brand new calendar. I find that there’s less than a week left in the 110th Congress. But perhaps there’s some movement with this bill to be concerned about.

Nope. Checked the House, where it’s in the House Subcommittee on the Constitution, Civil Rights, and Civil Liberties and the Senate Judiciary Committee. With no new action in the last 21 months.

And on checking the list of bills introduced by Senator Bartle in the 2008 session, nope.. there’s no resolution on this topic found on that list. But while he’s late, he does have a plan.

Our options as state legislators are limited, but we must do what we can. It is my hope that by passing – with strong bipartisan majorities – a resolution to send to Missouri’s congressional delegation, Congress and the president, declaring emphatically that the Show-Me State supports the right to life for all unborn children and that we oppose any efforts to enshrine abortion on demand in federal law, we will be able to help stop this very dangerous legislation.

It’s good thing that millions haven’t lost their jobs recently, important industries aren’t dangerously close to bankruptcy, we’re not having costly wars overseas, our debt hasn’t soared towards $10 trillion, and we’re behind on education and health care. Because if any of those things were occurring, one would wonder why a symbolic resolution opposing a bill that’s likely not on the priority list for the 111st (like that or not) is really that important.

Then again, it’s Matt Bartle. It’s not like he’s surprising us here, right?

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