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Josh Hawley (r) [2016 file photo].

Senator Josh Hawley gave a speech at the National Conservatism Conference. There were some interesting excerpts and turns of phrase:

…For years the politics of both Left and Right have been informed by a political consensus that reflects the interests not of the American middle, but of a powerful upper class and their cosmopolitan priorities.

This class lives in the United States, but they identify as “citizens of the world.” They run businesses or oversee universities here, but their primary loyalty is to the global community.

And they subscribe to a set of values held by similar elites in other places: things like the importance of global integration and the danger of national loyalties; the priority of social change over tradition, career over community, and achievement and merit and progress.

Call it the cosmopolitan consensus…

Universities, eh?

Merit, eh?

…According to the cosmopolitan consensus, globalization is a moral imperative. That’s because our elites distrust patriotism and dislike the common culture left to us by our forbearers…

They hate us for our freedoms?

…The nation’s leading academics…

You think they got there on merit? Just asking.

You mean like Yale, or Harvard, one of those fancy ones?

…The cosmopolitan elite look down on the common affections that once bound this nation together: things like place and national feeling and religious faith…

You think this was translated from the original German? Just asking.

…They regard our inherited traditions as oppressive and our shared institutions—like family and neighborhood and church—as backwards…

Interesting. You think people who attend Mosques or Synagogues don’t revere their families and value their neighbors and neighborhoods? Just asking for clarification.

…For the cosmopolitan class…

Is it just me, or do you hear “JEWS!” every time he uses that phrase?

…Because the truth is, the cosmopolitan economy has made the cosmopolitan class an aristocracy…

There it is again.

…financial instruments that benefit the cosmopolitan elite…

Like a freakin’ air horn.

…not the kinds of things a normal person without a fancy degree…

Dude, you attended a private school, Stanford, and Yale.

…The cosmopolitan agenda…

The dog whistle is strong with this one.

…They built a new republic governed not by a select elite, as in the days of old, but by the common man and woman…

Three fifths, dude, three fifths. The Seventeenth Amendment? The Nineteenth Amendment? Folks, that there is a real constitutional scholar’s writin’.

…an economy driven by money changing on Wall Street…

How biblical. We’ll give this one a “DOUBLE JEW!”

…not just in San Francisco and New York…

Uh, you do know there are a lot more people in those places? And “JEWS!”

…the cosmopolitan agenda…

There it is again.

In the back of their mind every Jewish person in America has the a sketch of an escape plan.