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Yesterday, via Twitter:

Rep. Vicky Hartzler @RepHartzler
So excited that Trinity Lutheran Church is opening its new playground with the federal grant money it rightly deserved. I was proud to write an amicus brief in the church’s support when this case went before SCOTUS.
7:31 AM – 14 Nov 2018 from Washington, DC

Some of the responses:

LOL … you didn’t write the amicus brief. You added your name to its cover. Hint: you don’t have a law degree … which also explains your difficulty in understanding the concept of the separation of church and state. Maybe you should build THAT wall

So depressed you’re still around

How does it feel to be the minority party and to be an obstructionist. By the way do you support POTUS California tweets?

Nothing like separation of church and state. Hypocrite.

Is this what Nationalism is?

Golly Gee Whiz, Vicky.
Everyone hates you.
Bless your lil pea-picking heart.


Rep. Vicky Hartzler (r), in the House minority, will now be able to totally refocus her legislative agenda on naming post offices (November 7, 2018)