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Late last night, via Twitter:

Rep. Vicky Hartzler @RepHartzler
While in Osceola earlier today I had the chance to sit down and discuss concerns facing #MO4
10:42 PM – 30 Oct 2018

You think that’s an open public town hall? Evidently not. Some of the comments:

Another 6 people? I am sure you hand picked like minded people. How can 6 people even begin to give you a consensus of your constituents concerns?[….]

I think folks are mostly concerned you’re going to continue to represent them.

You didn’t invite constituents? I was just a few miles down the road. I would have been happy to discuss education, sensible gun control, and healthcare availability. Too bad you aren’t interested.[….]

Main concern #MO4 is you Vicky, you have overwhelmingly voted against interests of your constituents and taking side with corporate lobbyists in DC

This isn’t a meeting about #MO4, it’s a photo op with Warren Love and office staff. Why are you such a scaredy-cat Vicky? Why won’t you meet with real people? Happy Halloween, btw. We know your tricks. On Nov. 6th, we’ll give you a treat…at the polls!


I did recognize Warren…. Thanks for the heads up. I didn’t know the others were his staff.

At least one staff member. Others may be volunteers. I wonder what they’re really talking about? Certainly not how to represent the majority of #MO4. Otherwise the single sheets of copy paper on a wrought iron table would be full of notes.

Just another @RepHartzler photo op.

And a staged one at that!


See the guy on the hat?
State Rep. Warren Love [….]

You’re pretty good at photo ops, why can’t you hold a town hall?

No town hall…what are you afraid of???

Completely false and misleading …that’s Warren Love. The next time you stage a photo op make sure it’s people we don’t recognize ….

Nope, not an open public town hall.