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That is the message in the anti-union Proposition A “right to get paid less” campaign mail strategy of Americans for Prosperity – Missouri.

Proposition A would allow workers who don’t want to pay Union dues for the Union representation in their work place to accrue the benefit of that Union representation without paying their fair share for it.

The “right to get paid less” powers that be keep mailing their anti-worker propaganda to Union households:

Chains? Really? What genius thought of that?

Uh, pro-choice, eh? “Freedom to choose” – they can’t believe we’re all that stupid. Well, yes, they can.

Note the state seal (in the gray background) – “United We…Divided We Fall”. That’s a rationale for collective bargaining.

“Right to work” gives some people the right to sponge off of the resources and hard work of their co-workers.

The diversity in the photo is just knocking the message out of the park. Not.

As if this about workers? This is about right wingnut corporatists who don’t want anyone to pay workers meaningful living wages. Period.

Vote “No” on the anti-Union Proposition A in the August 7th primary.


Astroturf propaganda (August 1, 2017)

Since when is an astroturf right wingnut organization truly concerned about the economic welfare of working people? (August 30, 2017)

Whoever gave money to Americans for Prosperity for their anti-Union mailing must really believe working people in Missouri are stupid (October 27, 2017)

AFP Missouri: werking peeple in misooree our stoopit (July 9, 2018)