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Cold. Windy.

5,000? 7,000? 10,000? Who could tell. It was a lot of people. At a protest event organized by kids.

“I walk for my students and fellow techers.”

“I teach recorder. You don’t want me to have a gun at work.”

“Teachers need funds, not guns.”

“A gun shoud not have more rights than a child.”

“I want my students asking ‘How do I solve this equation?’ not ‘Would you take a bullet for me?'”

“Shooting my mouth off so you won’t shoot me.”

“Help end America’s War on America.”

“Don’t pray for an answer, be the answer.”

“Am I next?”

That’s a very good question. The “adults” have failed to provide an answer.


March for Our Lives – Kansas City – in Theis Park on Saturday, March 24, 2018 (March 20, 2018)

Another sign for the times (March 23, 2018)

March for Our Lives – Warrensburg, Missouri – March 24, 2018 (March 24, 2017)