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The scuttlebutt is that Rep. Ann Wagner (R-2) is considered “vulnerable” in 2018. It would be a truly marvelous feat to finally dump this classic, hypocritical pearl clutcher who, despite her delicate GOP country club sensibilities, has developed into a colossal President Moron Vulgarian suckup – because who else will help her so vigorously and uncritically in her heartfelt crusade to save wealthy financiers any monetary grief. And how are we going to do it the dumping? We need to prove to the national party financial apparatus that we deserve the resources to do the job. And we do that by mounting a full-bore, hard campaign after we Democrats have chosen one of the excellent candidates who have come forward to contest the seat.

A Forum held last Wednesday allowed many in the 2nd district to get their first look at the likely challengers, Kelli Dunaway, Bill Haas, Mark Osmack, and Cort VanOstran, all together in one place. If you couldn’t make it, here’s a link to video of the Forum.

The Forum was sponsored by the Missouri 2nd District for Change, an organization that is dedicated to getting a the district representation that is actually responsive to the needs of its voters – not Ann Wagner’s cronies. They’ve held several “town halls” to which Wagner has been invited, but, naturally, refused to attend. If you aren’t already part of the group, check out their Facebook page.

And here’s a link to an excellent partial write-up of the proceedings which is particularly concerned with the “bombshell” dropped by contender Kelli-Dunaway, who, after making an excellent case for her candidacy, withdrew for reasons that ought to make us all fighting mad.

Time permitting, after I’ve had a chance to review the video, I’ll post my reactions to what the candidates said and didn’t say – in case anyone is interested.