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We should probably ask Sarah Steelman (r) about that.

A bill, introduced yesterday:

HB 949  
Establishes the Sarah Steelman Transparency and Disclosure Act
Sponsor: Ellebracht, Mark (017)
Proposed Effective Date: 8/28/2017
LR Number: 1957H.01I
Last Action: 02/15/2017 – Introduced and Read First Time (H)
Bill String: HB 949
Next Hearing: Hearing not scheduled

The bill text:

HOUSE BILL NO. 949 [pdf]

1957H.01I D. ADAM CRUMBLISS, Chief Clerk


To amend chapter 105, RSMo, by adding thereto one new section relating to funding of inaugural activities, with penalty provisions.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the state of Missouri, as follows:
Section A. Chapter 105, RSMo, is amended by adding thereto one new section, to be known as section 105.459, to read as follows:
105.459. 1. This section shall be known and may be cited as the “Sarah Steelman Transparency and Disclosure Act”.
2. A committee formed to receive contributions or make expenditures for inaugural activities on behalf of a person elected to serve in a statewide office shall file a statement of organization with the Missouri ethics commission within thirty days after the committee is formed. The statement shall include:
(1) Identification of the major nature of the committee;
(2) The name, mailing address, and telephone number of the chair or treasurer of the committee; and
(3) The anticipated duration of the committee’s existence.
3. The committee shall file disclosure reports with the ethics commission that itemize receipts, expenditures, and indebtedness incurred by the committee. The first disclosure report shall be filed not later than thirty days after the statement of organization is filed. Subsequent disclosure reports shall be filed every six months for the duration of the committee’s existence.
4. The disclosure reports shall also include a separate listing by name, address, and employer, or occupation if self-employed, of each person from whom the committee received one or more contributions, in moneys or other things of value, that in the aggregate total in excess of twenty-five dollars, together with the date and amount of each such contribution. No committee shall accept any contribution without such information.
5. Upon termination of the committee, a termination statement indicating dissolution shall be filed with the ethics commission not later than ten days after the date of dissolution. The termination statement shall include:
(1) The distribution made of any surplus funds and the disposition of any deficits; and
(2) The name, mailing address, and telephone number of the individual who shall preserve the committee’s records and accounts in accordance with subsection 6 of this section.
6. The chair or treasurer of any committee covered by this section shall maintain accurate records and accounts that shall be maintained in accordance with accepted normal bookkeeping procedures and shall contain the bills, receipts, deposit records, cancelled checks, and other detailed information necessary to prepare and substantiate disclosure reports. All records and accounts of receipts and expenditures shall be preserved for at least three years after a termination statement is filed.
7. Any complaint that the provisions of this section are not followed shall be filed with the ethics commission. Such complaints shall be in the form described in section 105.957 and shall be investigated by the ethics commission in accordance with section 38 105.961.
8. Any person guilty of knowingly violating any of the provisions of this section shall be punished in accordance with section 105.478.

[emphasis in original]

What, did someone throw a big inauguration party and no one can figure out who paid for it? Just asking.