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Speaking out at Representative Emanuel Cleaver’s (D) town hall on military intervention in Syria – Kansas City – September 5, 2013.

On Thursday evening in Kansas City Representative Emanuel Cleaver (D) held an open town hall on military intervention in Syria. After brief introductory remarks Congressman Cleaver opened up the microphone to anyone who wanted to speak on the subject. People did so, one after another, for almost two hours.


….I watched the Senate Foreign Relations Committee with Kerry, Hagel, Dempsey getting their, uh, comments at the hearing. And I heard a lot about American credibility. I heard a lot about preventing a nuclear Iran. I heard a lot about just right out punishing Assad for show, right? What I didn’t hear was a credible argument, a statement, how this missile strike, how that [inaudible] will significantly degrade chemical weapons stockpile and prevent Assad from striking again. I heard that from neither [Secretary of Defense] Chuck Hagel, [Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff] Martin Dempsey, nor [Secretary of State John] Kerry. It was all about the America and our position in the world. And nothing about the Syrian people. So if you could forward my comments I would gladly appreciate it. [applause]


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Norman Rockwell ain’t got nothin’ on the real Kansas City – part 3 (September 7, 2013)

Norman Rockwell ain’t got nothin’ on the real Kansas City – part 4 (September 7, 2013)

Norman Rockwell ain’t got nothin’ on the real Kansas City – part 5 (September 7, 2013)