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A two page polling memo for Claire McCaskill’s (D) campaign is circulating. We got a copy (no, not from that national blog). The news is good for Claire McCaskill, not so good for Todd Akin (r).

The poll utilized a 600 sample of likely Missouri voters. Interviews were completed on September 30th. The margin of error is 3.5%.

The head to head numbers:

Claire McCaskill – 50%

Todd Akin – 41%

Other – 2%

Not sure – 7%

Gee, there’s a serious gender gap:

….For instance, women give her a 17-point margin when it comes to caring about people like them – and by a 21-point margin, they say that Akin is too extreme….

You don’t say?

Also, Democrats are supporting Claire 91% to 5%. On the other hand, republicans are only supporting Akin 19% to 15%. Independents support Claire McCaskill 51% to 28%.

Kinda restores your faith in Missouri voters, don’t it? If it holds.