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Rasmussen released a poll today of five hundred likely Missouri voters interviewed on August 22nd. The margin of error is 4.5%.

Missouri Survey of 500 Likely Voters

Conducted August 22, 2012

By Rasmussen Reports

*Please note that we split the survey to rotate the order of the candidates, so while half will hear the Republican first, the other half hears the Democrat mentioned first.

1* If the 2012 election for U.S. Senate were held today, would you vote for Republican Todd Akin or Democrat Claire McCaskill?

Todd Akin – 38%

Claire McCaskill – 48%

Some Other Candidate – 9%

Not Sure – 5%


4* Should Akin withdraw from the campaign and have the Republicans select another candidate to run against Senator Claire McCaskill?

Yes – 41%

No – 42%

Not sure – 17%


7* Do you have a very favorable, somewhat favorable, somewhat unfavorable or very unfavorable impression of Medicare?

Very favorable – 21%

Somewhat favorable – 39%

Somewhat unfavorable – 25%

Very unfavorable – 10%

Not sure – 5%


The first and fourth questions might explain this.

Then again, this is a is Rasmussen poll. That can be no comfort to republicans.