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A significant chunk of the introduction before this excerpt sounded suspiciously like “He has his faults, but at least he doesn’t kick his dog.”

And, again, projection, with absolutely no sense of irony, in the republican controlled House chamber. Speaker Steve Tilley (r) on intolerant liberals:

Speaker Steve Tilley (r): ….But these aren’t the kinds of things that the radical liberal groups want to make known when they talk about Rush. Instead these liberals who try to put forth the illusion that they believe in a philosophy of tolerance or understanding, they’re anything but tolerant. And they’re anything but understanding

But fortunately there are only a handful of them here in Missouri. I think I read where the latest anti-Rush rally in Columbia actually broke single digits. [laughter] Which, Rush, it’s actually an improvement because they had an anti-Rush rally at the Capitol where there were more media than protesters….

Because we should always display tolerance for people who use their power and influence and microphone to call a young woman expressing an opinion on public policy a slut.

Oh, we understand all right.

“….I think I read where the latest anti-Rush rally in Columbia actually broke single digits. [laughter] Which, Rush, it’s actually an improvement because they had an anti-Rush rally at the Capitol where there were more media than protesters…”

The march to the Capitol, April 28, 2012.

Does anyone think that the general public will ever have direct access to that bust of Rush Limbaugh? Just asking.


There’s no room for sluts in the gallery. There is for prostitutes. (March 5, 2012)

Destined to be one of the top political quotes in the history of Missouri (March 5, 2012)

Steve Tilley owes Dred Scott and Buck O’Neil an apology (March 6, 2012)

Rush’s Bust (March 6, 2012)

What has your representative said about honoring Rush? (March 7, 2012)

Rush Limbaugh’s bust ain’t exactly a hit in small town Missouri (March 7, 2012)

Rush Limbaugh (r): on derangement (May 14, 2012)

The first inductee into the Hall of Infamous Missourians (May 15, 2012)