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It’s just that everyone else suffers. So choose wisely.

Cass County government is a mess right now. In the Belton Star-Herald:

Wednesday, Feb. 02, 2011

OUR VIEW: The signs aren’t good

…Nothing has been documented or seriously alleged that would indicate there is money “missing.” Acting Presiding Commissioner Brian Baker made the point in a conversation Tuesday that there is no “grand conspiracy” going on.

We completely agree. For a conspiracy to exist, there would need to be a significant amount more attention to the meat-and-potatoes portion of running the county than there has been in the past two years by the commissioners still in office.

As of Tuesday, Baker’s contention remained that during the period between Election Day and the first of the year, the budget – the entire game plan for the county – was being worked on alone by former Presiding Commissioner Gary Mallory. The approach was no different than it has been for the two years Baker and South District Commissioner Bill Cook have been in office.

Plainly, that lack of knowledge, study, and even interest in the process is showing. But that we knew….

Ouch. You mean the northern and southern commissioners never bothered to engage in the process? And now that there is no presiding commissioner…

Previously: New Cass County Presiding Commisioner Herschel Young (r) removed from office by court order (January 4, 2011)

There’s a hearing scheduled today on that case, 11CA-CV00001 – STATE O MO EX INF T HENSLEY V HERSCHEL L YOUNG, too:

01/21/2011   Docket Entry:   Judge/Clerk – Note

Text: Court holds telephone conference on record per order entered. JAC/tl

Docket Entry: Order

Text: Oral Argument set by Court, on February 3, 2010.

Docket Entry: Hearing Scheduled

Associated Events: 02/03/2011 , 13:30:00 – Hearing

If voters don’t show up, or bother to pay attention, or just vote a certain way because right wingnut billionaires drive their personal agenda through their media enablers, you get the government you deserve.

Everyone suffers. And most of those who brought it to this point are too clueless to care.