

Lou and Mary are perfecting the art of planning a bloggers’ picnic. The fact that they did it at all last year was a treat, but we did huddle under umbrellas and trees a good bit of the time, trying to keep our own skins and the Doritos dry. So this year, in March, they signed us up for a pavilion–and for perfect weather.

If we had gotten bored, we could have schlepped across the park to the Pagans’ picnic, which looked ver-r-y interesting. I wound up there by mistake while searching for our pavilion. It was a gathering of hundreds, and four women in long skirts and skimpy tops were dancing, each with a sword balanced on its edge across her head.

When I finally found the right spot, Mary was feigning concern about our location between the pagans and the Christian fellowship.

But there was no chance to check out the pagans. Conversation under the bloggers’ pavilion was fun the whole afternoon.

Several folks left around 2:00, 2:30. A bunch more arrived about 3:00, which is when it occurred to me to take some photos. I guess there were 25-30 of us altogether. We had no kids this year, but Vanessa, of Drinking Liberally, brought her three dogs (notice the leash).