

From the Thursday Post-Dispatch

Hundreds of Environmental Protection Agency scientists say they have been pressured by superiors to skew their findings, according to a survey released Wednesday by an advocacy group.

The Union of Concerned Scientists said more than half of the nearly 1,600 EPA staff scientists who responded online to a detailed questionnaire reported they had experienced incidents of political interference in their work.

Now we come to the good part:

Asked to respond to the survey, EPA spokesman Shradar said, “We have the best scientists in the world at EPA.”

How’s that for a non sequitur? It would make more sense if the writer, Josef Hebert, had added the rest of the quote:  “But we don’t have to listen to them.”

Usually, I’m irate that journalists play “he said/she said”, quoting generals, CEOs and other establishment types as if they had any credibility. And at first I figured that’s what Hebert intended to do in this case. But then I got to thinking about it, and I wouldn’t be surprised if he took some sly joy in quoting Shradar. I mean, how much stupider could that Bush spokeshole have made himself look?  But Hebert can shrug innocently and say, “I didn’t force the guy to sound like a nincompoop. All I did was quote him.”