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You may remember that Sam Graves loyally voted last fall against the SCHIP program that would have expanded health insurance coverage for 10 million children. His votes were absolutely critical to upholding Bush’s veto. It’s not like this is a new occurence, either; Graves voted with Bush 95% of the time in 2006.

It looks like he’s going to be rewarded for his “good work.” Not only has Dick Cheney already headlined a fundraiser for Graves, but now Bush is headed to Parkville for a $1000 a head dinner for Graves. This will make Graves the only Republican candidate thus far to get a fundraising visit from from the Terrible Two this cycle. Either they are very confident in Bush and Cheney’s popularity in NW Missouri, or they are desparate for cash.

Graves’ Democratic opponent, Kay Barnes, has a nice slogan on her website. A Flash animation reveals that Bush and Graves both arrived in Washington in 2001. “They came to Washington together. On November 4th, let’s send them home together.”

Barnes is trying to raise $15,000 online by February 1st, the same day as George Bush’s little visit. I just put in $50 for Edwards this morning, and now I’m going to add $25 for Barnes. You can donate here.