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Rex Sinquefield finally got some company.

Today, at the Missouri Ethics Commission:

C121045 02/26/2014 TEACHGREAT.ORG StudentsFirst 825 K Street 2nd Floor Sacramento CA 95814 2/24/2014 $31,000.00

[emphasis added]

StudentsFirst is Michelle Rhee‘s organization.


Campaign Finance: Bah, humbug! (December 25, 2013)

Campaign Finance: teachers are evil, except when they save kids from a tornado or a crazed gunman (May 24, 2013)

Campaign Finance: using a lot of money to beat up on teachers (May 28, 2012)


Teachgreat doesn’t quite cut it. Add a PAC on teaching and Rex Sinquefield’s money and what you get is just another astroturf organization dedicated to trashing K-12 public education.
