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Claire McCaskill’s campaign released three ads today:

Senator Claire McCaskill (D): I’m Claire McCaskill and I approve this message.

Diana: I’m a Republican and a pro-life mother, and a rape survivor. In the hospital I was offered emergency contraception. Because of my personal beliefs, I declined. Here’s what else I believe, no woman should be denied that choice. What Todd Akin said is offensive, but what he believes is worse. He would criminalize emergency contraception. I’ve never voted for Claire McCaskill, but because of Todd Akin, I will now.

Senator Claire McCaskill (D): I’m Claire McCaskill and I approve this message.

Joanie: Todd Akin apologized for implying there’s such a thing as legitimate rape. He may have misspoken, but I do believe he showed his true colors and his true intent of what he intends to do if he’s elected. Accepting his apology is up to you. I’m a pro-life mother, and a survivor of an extremely violent sexual assault. As a woman of faith, I must forgive Todd Akin. But as a voter, it’s not something I can forget.

Senator Claire McCaskill (D): I’m Claire McCaskill and I approve this message.

Rachel: Ten years ago I was brutally raped in a home invasion. For me taking control started with taking emergency contraception at the hospital. At the worst moment of her life, no woman should be denied that choice. What Todd Akin said was troubling enough, but it’s what he believes that’s worse. His policies would criminalize emergency contraception for women who are raped. That’s what he would do with his vote in the Senate. What will you do with yours this November?